
Thursday, May 26, 2011

yard sale teaser #3

Yard Sale Countdown = 2 days!

We are well on our way to the greatest yard sale ever. Our house has been invaded (read that in a positive way) with our wonderfully sweet friends and family who have given up hours out of their day to help sort and price. Kevin and I were seriously on the verge of insanity last night. Ya see, our lil' house is, well, lil'. When you bring three Uhaul loads of goodies into a lil' house, it makes for a big ole potential crisis. Luckily, we were able to persevere and keep our eyes on the "prize" of Saturday's sale. Tonight we were able to get everything moved to its designated department of the house and priced. My parents are coming into town tomorrow with another load and we have more friends bringing some big items over too. After that, we are ready to pull the trigger. So, what are some of the items you'll see? Well, we have a pool, kiddie 4-wheeler, kiddie motorcycle/scooter, Marshall head, keyboard, lots of printers and computery stuff, tons of clothes, bedding/linens, a recliner, a kitchen table, books, movies, CDs, coffee table, bed, pinball machine, and much much more. Wow, I know. We have been BLESSED with donations and now it's time for you to show up and get the goods! Here is what may be the last teaser before the actual sale.

*Disclaimer: Apparently I still need lessons with the fancy camera, so please forgive the dark pictures. I didn't know my house was a cave!*

Our shirts finally came in!!

If you've ordered one, get ready to see it in the mail. They look so good!

Can't wait to see you all at the yard sale. Just look for our sweet banner. :)

Sending Hugs


  1. You guys are going to do great! I am praying God rains down some blessing on this big ole yard sale. Can't wait to come by and do some shopping!

  2. Love the T-shirts

  3. wish i could go. but go figure i live in PA.
